Sunday, July 23, 2006

Little Green Footballs

Links to a Fox News report that perfectly describes the issues of Hezbollah in the South of Lebanon.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Special Birthday

A Special Birthday This Week. Can you believe it? Monica Lewinsky turned 31 this week. It seems like only yesterday she was crawling around the White House on her hands and knees.They grow up so fast.--

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

NJ Shutdown

A democratic governor...A democratic assembly...A democratic state senate....What a mess. Certainly a ploy by the communist Corzine to get another 1% in sales taxation. I must tell you ...Shutting down the casinos will be interesting. Just as the smoking ban capitulated to the casino interests...I am certain the casino inspectors will be on the job tomorrow regardless.