Saturday, March 04, 2006

typical day

Typical day around here. Seven mouths to be fed. Six beds to be made. Seven bodies to be dressed and dirty clothes to wash. Fights abound. Things were going pretty well. I was making six lunches (five of my own kids and one neighbor kid). Tuna (mayo and relish on a roll); Flour Tortilla with cheese melted; fried fish sandwich with mayo and three cans of spaghettios. The contractor is over discussing the possible tearing out of a room and quoting us prices. I am upstairs looking at roofs when I realize that the spaghettios are probably boiling over. Oh, yeah lets not forget the tortilla turning black in the toaster and the tuna sitting on the counter. I get the spaghettios into bowls, the sandwiches on plates and joey likes his tortilla dark. Put food on dining room table and run back out to discuss windows. Twenty thousand??? Permits, oh no. Mom.... what son? something happened to the carpet. That something seemed to be half a bowl of spaghettios on the carpet in a c shape around daughter's chair. Daughter.... how did this happen? I don't know. Yep, typical day around here.


Blogger Mel said...

Good gravy! Sounds like you guys have your hands full, and then some. Thanks for stopping by.

4:42 PM  

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